Estudi Ceràmic ba_Ro

Estudi Ceràmic [ba_Ro] is the firm created by David Rosell and Anna Ballesté, two potters seduced by earth and fire. It is the knowledge of the trade and experimentation that leads them to evolve into new ways of working clay.

In his studio you can find collections of exclusive crockery, decorative objects and designer pieces.

Of his work stand out the dishes made with clay from the terraces of Cruïlles and modeled by hand, his exclusive cooking technique that combines; the limit temperature and the absence of oxygen, result in a hard, resistant vitrified ceramic, practically without porosity and free of lead.

Also unique are its candle holders, made of porcelain and a small percentage of paper pulp, decorated one by one and baked at high temperature to acquire hardness and vitrification, essential qualities to become translucent and generate unique lighting effects.